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My Political Heroes November 13, 2007

Posted by happywarrior in Great Figures.
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Recently I have been thinking very much on who I feel is my political hero, and what they did to make them great.  I have narrowed my choice down to three men.  The first is Hubert Humphery, as both a Senator and a Vice President he served admirably, but he never attained his ultimate goal of the Presidency.  Next is Henry Wallace, another man who was Vice President.  He was in fact only six months away from becoming the president of the United States.  Instead Harry Truman succeeded President Roosevelt after his death in 1944.  Finally there is Al Smith, a Catholic man, who grew up in poverty, he is the man I most identify myself with.  I feel he paved the way for Catholics to reach highere elected office as well as to show that no matter how bad the cards you’re dealt, you can still do great things with you’re life.

Biden’s Chances November 1, 2007

Posted by happywarrior in Election 2008.
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Hey everyone, this will be my first blog post.  Thanks for viewing.  I just want  to make a post about my choice for the 2008 nomination for the Democrats, Joe Biden.  Joe is a great leader with a huge amount of experience.  He has always managed to lead the Democrats in the Senate better than pretty much anyone.  I don’t know why he is’nt already the majority leader. 

 With his long service in the Senate, as well as the excellent choices he has made there, I think once people start noticing him that he will have a very good chance at the nomination.  His best chance is in Iowa, where he is roughly equal with Richardson, the leader out of the second tier.  It also would’nt be hard for him to catch up to Edwards.  If he can manage a second or third place finish in Iowa, it will give him a huge amount of momentum. 

 Everyone says that with Hillary’s lead, no one else has any chance.  But ponder this.   Almost 30 years ago, Birch Bayh and Mo Udall were considered the favorites for the Democratic Party nomination for President. With Iowa three months away, many pundits asked which of these two candidates would survive to face Gerald Ford in the general election.  They chose a little known Governor from Georgia, Jimmy Carter.  Carter would go on to reach the presidency.

 If Biden gets the nomination, I am confident the Democrats can dominate the election.  He is a moderate Senator, with a record of bipartisan leadership.  He has a plan for Iraq.  Finally, he is a man who will you unite us, not divide us for years to come.

Hello world! November 1, 2007

Posted by happywarrior in Uncategorized.
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